Meeting opened at 7:09 p.m.
Secretaries report read and accepted.


First Vice President reported on the homecoming concert, parade, rally in the tailgate picnic.  That was at the concert will opened between one and 115.  Twelve ushers are needed  at the beginning of the concert, and eight at the end.

Second Vice President reported that there will be a membership committee meeting Tuesday the chapter room at 6:30 p.m.

Third Vice President wants to buy gavel for the president, the bylaws in book form, and get a present for Margo Maraten.

Social Chairman reported that this Saturday football game is a coat and tie affair.  You should report in front of the Bartlett Hall 12 noon.

New Business

Move: that all members of the executive board must be given at least 24 hours notice of time and place the meeting in order for the executive board meeting to the ballot.  Tabled until October 27

Move: no Brotherton hold any elected office who is not either active or semiactive (i.e.  Paid his dues).

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
to George E. Dimock
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes